
Doctor – a six-letter word or Dr. a prefix used by an individual after a period of long intensive study comprising of 3 years of Bachelor’s study followed by 3 years of Master’s study and a fellowship or a super specialty 

This is not all; there is yet another set of six qualities that complete the profile of a doctor. They are – hardwork, dedication, discipline, perseverance, compassion & empathy. An aspiring doctor may or may not have them all while some of them maybe inborn or some may develop and imbibe in them as they study and complete their formal medical education 

A freshly graduated doctor is eager to establish his or her identity along with their private practice – An untrodden journey full of hope and enthusiasm albeit with two sublimely interspersing roles of actually treating people using their newly acquired medical degree while bonding with the patient to mark a relationship based on trust and faith. The ultimate goal for a doctor is to build an empathic and comfortable relationship with patient ears and an open channel of communication

The doctor-patient relationship evolves with time and hands-on experience as the doctor perseveres to attend and treat each and every patient with empathy and compassion enabling the patients to entrust their lives in the safe hands of the doctor. 

At these times, the doctor is subjected to long consulting and operative hours, erratic diets, stressful lifestyles, sleepless nights, a never ending list of personal and family sacrifices as against the opportunity or the unnerving urge to heal and cure human lives, bring them out of pain, agony and misery, restore their smiling and happy faces as they recover from ailing medical conditions. And therein, flows a wave of immense satisfaction and contentment of having cured someone, an infinite feeling that is beyond measure of any kind!

From a patient’s perspective 

Doctor – an individual solely focused on minting money in more the six-digits. 

Currently, patients believe a visit to the doctor’s clinic is like getting entangled in a vicious cycle of unending expenses. They believe that the doctor will prescribe multiple pathological investigations, long list of medicines which come their share of side-effect followed by a likelihood of recommendation of a surgery to resolve the issue. 

Adding to this belief, is the mindset full of mistrust which has gained predominance due to the Internet, the most easily accessible source of medical information. Most people prefer to conduct self-diagnosis and widen the gap between themselves and the doctor. 

Today, the patients consult multiple doctors in hope of locating a good and a reliable doctor. Alas! In this endeavor, they are likely to end up more in a soup. In India, finding a right doctor is like a lottery, you never know when you run out of luck or get truly lucky. It comes as no surprise that patients have sought up to four consultations before they have agreed for a surgical procedure. 

Clearing some myths regarding operation of hospitals and the extent of their service offerings, patients are bearing the cost of premium services offered by the hospital during their stay at the hospital. The hospital recovers the cost of running and maintaining the hospital from the patients themselves. The treating doctor is compensated for his or her professional services, nothing beyond it. 

Advice – It is important to choose the RIGHT DOCTOR and not the hospital!

COVID 19 Pandemic – The ultimate game changer in health sector 

Before the pandemic, the efforts of the doctors and other healthcare professional were unrecognized. They were abused and manhandled. In fact, the young generation was skeptical in choosing medical as their career goals. 

Post the COVID pandemic, healthcare professionals are gaining due respect and dignity. The press, media and the politicians are leaving no stone unturned in acknowledging their efforts in treating and saving millions of precious lives. They are being recognised as COVID warriors, front liners and so on. It is true that doctors have emerged as untiring and selfless workers during the pandemic leaving a positive impact on the general population. 

The world has been a witness to the collapsed health care system through which the doctors and the paramedics have worked relentlessly to serve and treat the COVID patients. The pandemic has been an eye opener for the world as it highlighted having in a place an optimum health infrastructure capable of handling major health calamities. The impending dearth of oxygen, medicines, hospital beds as well as ICU beds did paint a grim picture of how inhumane, humanity has evolved today. Despite these hardships, the doctors and paramedics have gone a long way in maintaining efficient and open channels of communication between them, patient and their caregivers. 

The pandemic has once again proved that ‘to keep the good of patient as my highest priority’ – a section of the Hippocratic Oath is valid even today. 

This Doctor’s Day presents the perfect opportunity to reinforce the doctor-patient relationship to new heights through building trust and faith by working together in the best interest of humanity, the world’s oldest religion.